Selected Originals De Gaulle Triumphant (1960)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story De Gaulle Triumphant 60, 30. M, S dignitaries getting out of car at the Royal Opera House. M, S Winston Churchill getting out of car, he smoothes his hair down, M, S Clementine Churchill, she waves. Various shots of people arriving including Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. M, S as royal car draws up. Mr and Mrs de Gaulle get out. M, S Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent and Princess Alexandra, also Prince Henry and Princess Alice, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester ( ). Another royal car draws up, Queen Elizabeth II steps out and shakes hands with officials, she is followed by Prince Philip. M, S as Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother gets out followed by Princess Margaret and Anthony ArmstrongJones. L, S exterior of French Embassy ( ) with Tricolor flying. Camera pans down to crowd gathered outside. M, S French flag and Union Jack together. C, U of number 11. M, S gates in front. Various shots of the building. FILM A