Summoner Showcase, 61 Art Power
Click here to signup and play League of Legends: JamieTC has a lot of patience. Maybe even too much patience. We just can t imagine the amount of detail work it took to render Amumu s bandages so perfectly FabulousBilly imagined League of Legends as a fighting game, and then took it upon himself to show the world what it would be like. Complete with heavyhitting, healthbar depleting combos, this video will leave you asking why more people don t play Twisted Fate. Olivier knows there s only one REAL go to champion when you re out to shoot people in the face with lasers, and has provided us with some hilarious comic strips featuring the Lady of Luminosity, Lux. PickyWiky has an affinity for cosplay, and shows off an awesome Exiled Morgana costume Beautiful Blashi has graced us before with her br, br,