What Did a Baby T. rex Look Like
Did you know that when Tyrannosaurus rex was a hatchling it was most likely covered in fluffy feathers Go behind the scenes of T. rex: The Ultimate Predator, an exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History, with paleontologist Mark Norell and the model makers to find out how they create the stunningly detailed, lifesized models of the iconic dinosaur as a baby, juvenile, and menacing adult. Warning: you may never think of T. rex the same way again. For more information, visit the exhibition website: Major funding for T. rex: The Ultimate Predator provided by the Lila WallaceReaders Digest Endowment Fund. Generous support also provided by: Dana and Virginia Randt Chase Private Client Virtual reality experience created in collaboration with HTC VIVE. Subscribe to our channel: Check out our full video catalog: ww