Quake Champions BJ Blazkowicz, New Maps, More E3 2017 Trailer
During the Bethesda E3 2017 Showcase, we announced a lot of surprising new additions to the Quake Champions Closed Beta, all of which are now live as part of a new game update. Learn more at First, were introducing Wolfensteins leading man, BJ Blazkowicz, as a new Champion The E3 2017 update also adds 3 new maps, the brandnew Tribolt weapon, and a host of new and improved features to explore. With this update comes some very exciting news: the Closed Beta will continue and will be kept live 24, 7 from here on out. If you havent been able to join the Closed Beta yet, dont worry more people are continuously being let in, so sign up now and youll immediately receive your beta key. This will be especially helpful if you plan on taking part in the just announced Quake World Championships happening at this years QuakeCon With a 1 million prize pool, players will need to bring their best in order to win big. Play the beta now by grabbing your