DIY tent village, How to Make a Cat Tent using a T shirt
I made a cat tent out of tshirts. I watched most of the videos on Youtube on how to make cat tents, and put together a list of the best parts. The parts not shown in other cat tent videos 1: I recommend using strong tape Other tapes can be easily broken by energetic cats. 2: Make the cardboard sturdy The reason I made the corners of the cardboard so sturdy is because the method I saw on youtube was too fragile for my cats and they broke it too easily. If you are using thin cardboard, I would recommend layering two sheets and sticking them together with a bond. 3: strong tape the ceiling Some videos use cellophane tape or wire to hold the ceiling in place, but cats will easily break it. The cats had climbed on top of the tent, shifting the ceiling, and when i woke up in the morning, the tent was flattened. It was necessary to fasten the tent tightly with plastic tape. I decided to make it look like the tent village. I was able to make a lot of tshirts