The Quickie Guide to Succession Corsair PVE, Combos, Skills, Addons
Succession PVE Guide is here This quick guide will get you started on Corsair s Succession Spec filled with pretty animations and lots of whales Awakening Guide: Alternative Phase 1 Combo: W+C, Shift+X (Rising Whirlpool) Q F S+RMB + Flow S+LMB + Flow S+C Shift+RMB Shift+LMB For console Adventurers, I unfortunately could not get the matching skill inputs, apologies for not being able to include the console inputs in Take note to not use the 530 300 EXP scrolls together (i don t think u can, but just in case ) Comment down below on what you d like to see next or if you hv questions you wish to clarify Catch me live on Twitch Contents of this video 00:00( ʖ ) Intro 00:14 S