Stella Storm LOST 1980s SCI FI MOVIE
1987 s Stella Storm is a prime example of why you should always do your Back in the mid80s, SuperGlobal Movies of Muncie, Idaho, were looking for a scifi family space adventure, the kind of thing to wow kids with aliens and robots but with just enough knowing camp to give a wink to the Moms and Dads in the audience. So what better source material than a comic book featuring a space heroine jetting through the galaxy and fighting an evil Space Queen Unfortunately for Herb Toggle, the head of SuperGlobal Movies, the comic in question, Stella Storm: Agente Espacial Especial by Spanish artist and writer Alberto Pena, was decidedly NOT familyfriendly. Stella, an agent of the Special Space Agency, is an expert in Venusian Sex Kung Fu, PandimensionalPansexual Tantric Practices, possesses a triplegenius level IQ, is fluent in six hundred forms of communication and is certified in all forms of zero gravity combat and lo