Light in the Landscape My Favourite Watercolour Techniques, Watercolour Demonstration
In this video, I share a few of my favourite techniques to create the feeling of light in a watercolour landscape. Materials used: PAINTS: Payne s Grey (Rockwell Canada) Sodalite Genuine (Daniel Smith) French Ultramarine (Winsor Newton) Carbazole Violet (Daniel Smith) Buff Titanium (Daniel Smith) Aussie Red Gold (Daniel Smith) Raw Umber (Holbein) Burnt Umber (Daniel Smith) Sepia (Daniel Smith) Raw Sienna Light (Daniel Smith) White Gouache (Art Spectrum) PAPER: Baohong Master s Choice 100 cotton 300 gsm cold press 23 x 31 cm (9 x 12 in) block BRUSHES: NEEF Thomas W Schaller Mops Sizes 3, 0; 0; 4 NEEF Alvaro Casgagnet Needle Point Size 6 Black Silver by Dynasty Rigger Size 4 Princeton Select Script Liner Size 1 Panart Global 1102 Round Size 0 OTHER MATERIALS: ceramic palette (Art Spectrum) cotton buds tissues hand towel My website: My Instagram