Lucie Antunes LNM ( Official Music Video)
Lucie Antunes new single LNM out July 2nd, 2021 on InFiné Cry Baby. Stream Order A production João company the Collectif Scale With the support of Fondation dentreprise Hermès for New Settings program in coproduction with the Comète (ChâlonsenChampagne National Scene), the POC (Alfortville s Cultural Center), the Quartz (Brest La Carène National Scene) With the contribution of ADAMI (Arts and Technology Talents), Centre National de la Musique, DRAC IledeFrance, Région IledeFrance and Département du Val de Marne. Thanks to CENTQUATREPARIS, CDA EnghienlesBains. With the support of Tetro+A for Collectif Scale br, br,