Discord ( Taxman)
I used the most evil font I could think of. Also, an announcement. We regret to inform everypony that Cassonade will no longer be a part of the BeatleBrony project. He is having some serious problems and we wish him the best of luck. Keep him in your prayers, I know that we are. I do not claim to own the Beatles, their music, or My Little Pony. This is for entertainment purposes only. MP3: Let me tell you how it will be; Equestria in chaos brought by me. Cause I am Discord, Yeah, I m Discord. Should Harmony fail for you all, Be thankful I don t take it all, Cause I am Discord, Yeah, I m Discord. (if you re honest, lie) compulsively; (if you laugh, get mad) defensively; (if you re generous) Now be greedy; (if you re kind, be mean) At everypony. Discord Cause I am Discord, Yeah, I m Discord. Just play