Throwing and trimming a small closed form lidded jar
How I throw a lidded jar from one lump of clay on the potter s wheel. I throw the cylinder and then close the top to form the lid. I use an old chopstick to push in the rim, separating the lid and body part. Next day when the clay is leather hard, I cut off the lid from the body, trim, refine and burnish the clay to give the final shape and feel. I use red firing stoneware, it looks mustard yellow when fresh, orange red when bisque fired and dark redbrown when fired to 1200 C. The final piece will only get glaze to inside, the outside will remain unglazed, with a pleasant silky soft and warm feel when you hold it in your hand. Timecodes: Day one: Throwing the jar from one lump of clay 0:00 Centering the clay on the wheel and building the cylinder shape for main body 0:55 Closing the top to form the lid 1:41 Pushing in the rim with a chopstick Next day: Trimming and refining the jar 2:14 Cutting off the lid from body and trimming the rims 3:21 Trimming a