Get your difficult steps called Use these exercises Rocker, bracket, counter, Choctaw, Mohawks
ISU Difficult Turns and Steps in ice skating. Get your steps called in competition. Stregthen your knowledge and turns as you use these excersizes. A look at how to use deliberate practice on all 50 ISU diffuclt turns to gain more control and strength in each turn. These drills from allow you to really feel the circle shape of the edges around the turns and steps. Based loosely on old figures and used at any level these drills and excercises can be used to help you practice your turns and steps from rocker, counter, bracket, choctaw, loop, twizzle and outside mohawk Instagram: Facebook:, Iskatecoach Music: Jazzaddict s Intro by Cosimo Fogg (201) Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 Unported CC BY 3. 0 Music promoted by Audio Library