PLEa Su Re i N Pi Nk 1986 A Po PPy i N SPRi NGTi Me 7 DEa Th i N Ju Ne, SMi Ths Ne W Wa Ve Go Th Po P
PLEaSuRe iN PiNk 1986 A PoPPy iN SPRiNGTiMe 7 DEaTh iN JuNe, SMiThs NeW WaVe GoThPoP GRae CohoRTs def kept TheMSeLVes abreast oF. .. Th ChaNGiNG TiMes, SOUNds. .. ANd there iS ( iMNSho ) a distinctly infLueNCe iN PoPPyfieLd ( mebbe ) a biT oF a. .. mike keane, RoYaL FaMiLy Th PooR infLueNCe ( iN boTh WaiTiNG and to me, defintitely in bodyShoP ) meeting HEadON WiTh SMiThsiSh JaNGLyGTR PoP ( iN PoPPyfieLd ) as iNTeRPReTed thru aN ANGuLaR MekoN