Wheres My Million Dollars , House M. D
An overly generous tech company CEO offers House a Million dollar after a 2 minute conversation. surly he s crazy or is there something deeper to this. Stream full seasons on Peacock: Season 8 Episode 3 Charity Case When a man (Wentworth Miller) collapses after making a million dollar donation, Dr. Park believes his extreme altruism may indicate a neurological disorder, while House sees a way to fund the rebuilding of his old team back together. Meanwhile, Dr. Adams volunteers her services to the department while looking for a new career, and Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) returns to House only to say goodbye again. Your favorite shows, movies and more are here. Stream now on Peacock: Watch House on Google Play: iTunes Subscribe: This is the official YouTube channel for House M. D. Watch all of the official clips from the series, the funniest and saddest moments, and follow all of the doctor s most curious cases. ,HouseMD, IsItLupus ,Doctors, HouseMD, HughLaurie, doctors