Virtual Walk along the Trails of Kootenay Yoho National Parks 4, 5 HRS Canadian Winter Scenery
The virtual winter walking tour through the beautiful Kootenay Yoho National Parks in Canada. These two parks are located within the Rocky Mountains along the western slope of the Continental Divide of the Americas in southeastern British Columbia. Be impressed by lovely views while going along snowcovered trails and the mountain lake, see the mesmerizing azure waterfall from above, feel the perfect pine needles smell and crunch of snow crust underfoot. This glorious 4K UHD video can be a great tool for deep relaxation and concentration on your project. Nature is always a perfect helper in any activity. Video from: Kootenay and Yoho National Parks, Canada Video title: Kootenay , YohoNationalPark Walking Tour Time of filming:, Winter of 2020 Equipment used: Panasonic GH5 Video resolution:, 4KUHD Video type: Nature Relax Video Producer: Roman Khomlyak, Pro Art Inc Video by: Agnius Narkevičius, Titas Kaz Editor: Vitaliy Batiev Special thanks to Rebecca Amado fo