What is Venipuncture How to take Blood From The Patient Shri Ram Medical College
Disease research relies heavily on the collection of blood samples and other biological specimens. But from the patient s vantage point, it can be unpleasant, disconcerting, frightening, and uncomfortable. In order to effectively manage the potentially hazardous organisms found in a person s blood, a general health check typically entails drawing blood. A venipuncture blood draw is the most common method of collecting blood samples, however the specific method employed is determined at least in part by the underlying medical condition being evaluated. Venipuncture blood samples are typically drawn in the privacy of a doctor s office or laboratory at a time that is most convenient for the doctor (if not always for patients). Oftentimes, doctors may draw blood and send it off to a lab or hospital for further testing. A blood sample can be collected in around 5 minutes. Anywhere on the patient s arm, hand, finger, or ear can be used to collect a blood sample for testing. A heel prick blood