Shocking This Sugar Free Keto Dessert Hack Will Make You Forget Sugar Ever Existed
00:00 Intro 01:15 Ingredients Directions 05:08 Dessert Reviews 06:54 Schedule Hey everyone In this video, SugarFree Keto Dessert, I m sharing one of my goto healthy glutenfree desserts that you can bring to your next dinner party. It s all organic, sugarfree, dairyfree, Keto, and diabeticfriendly. CAKE INGREDIENTS cup coconut oil 2 tsp vanilla extract 4 eggs cup coconut flour tsp baking soda 1, 3 cup Lakanto monk fruit sweetener 1 pinch of salt tsp xanthan gum tsp baking powder TOPPING INGREDIENTS 3 cans of fullfat culinary coconut milk 1 tsp vanilla extract sliced strawberries, raspberries, blueberries DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat your oven to 350 and grease a tart or mini muffin pan 2. Mix wet ingredients in a food processor 3. Add in dry ingredients and mix well 4. Pour a small scoop of batter into each mold 5. Bake for 12 minutes 6. Let cool for 30