Basic landscaping styles for backyard and garden
Basic landscaping styles for backyard and garden The pivotal factor in shaping the future aesthetics of an estate is the choice of a particular style. The only constraints when selecting a stylistic approach are the homeowner s personal taste and their financial resources. Once a specific style is chosen, it becomes essential that all aspects of landscape design harmonize with it. Presently, designers recommend adorning estates in the following styles: 00:00 Classic Style: This is a versatile option suitable for properties of varying shapes and sizes. Precision and symmetry are key in this style, exemplified by wellmanicured lawns. Green spaces featuring plants such as jasmine, lilac, roses, and plush, alongside round fountains, ponds, arches, flowerpots, benches, and gazebos, are commonly used as complementary elements. 01:14 Rustic Style: In stark contrast to the classic style, rustic design embraces a more haphazard arrangement of objects and plant choices, with no emp