With this cake recipe I always greet my mother in law and I m always praised, Cookrate
With this cake recipe I always greet my motherinlaw and Im always praised, Cookrate Ingredients for the cream: egg yolk 2 pieces sugar 100 g (3. 5 oz) corn starch 80 g oz) milk 1 l (34 fl oz) To cool for 30 min; vanilla essence 10 ml fl oz) cheese cream 350 g oz) Ingredients for the cake sponge: egg whites 3 pieces sugar 100 g (3. 5 oz) egg yolk 4 pieces warm water 100 ml (3. 4 fl oz) flour 200 g (7 oz) cocoa 50 g oz) baking powder 10 g oz) Ingredients for the syrup: milk 200 ml fl oz) sugar 50 g oz) cocoa 10 g oz) Tray dimensions: 26 cm x 15 cm in x 6 in) Baking time: 170C (337 F), 25 min Follow us on: Facebook: