Mountain Landscape Painting by Jon Houglum Video, 2
This is a small segment of 1 DVD or a USB Flash Drive of 74 minutes of files converted to 1 mp4 files. Available on website The USB Flash drive is perfect for artists who dont have access to a DVD drive or a DVD player. Day One, I demonstrate how to mix oil paints, techniques of pool painting, how to draw a landscape, how to paint sky strata, how to paint mountains, how to paint foliage, how to paint trees in three easy steps, how to paint grass, and how to paint cows into the landscape. Day Two, I revisit the painting to make the darks darker and the lights lighter to show visual contrast to bring the painting to completion by the end of the day. My goal is to help students visualize the pictorial potentials of their painting to produce a painting with vitality in design, value, and color.