Sekiro has PTSD
Dude, it s just a game. You re reading too much into it. 00:00 Part 1. Ambiguity 03:10 Part 2. The Symptoms 12:09 Part 3. The Politics of Science 21:26 Part 4. Growth 28:52 Part 5. Epilogue Forlaith pincognito NinoTheHuman PraiseThePixel flyinglower Miku Rehvion StochasticGD Bibliography Morris, David J. The Evil Hours: a Biography of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. Eamon Dolan, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015 The quotes from Oliver Sacks and Otto Fenichel are also sourced from here. This video is almost more about this book than about the game. Stevens, Michelle. Scared Selfless: My Journey from Abuse and Madness to