30 Most Memorable Home Runs in SF Giants HISTORY
The San Francisco Giants have a rich history that includes of hundreds of dramatic home runs that brought fans around San Francisco and the world to their feet This video is a Humm Baby Presentation that took many days and hours to complete it is a story of 30 of the most memorable home runs in San Francisco Giants history including unbelievable moments such as the Brian Johnson 1997 blast, Brandon Belt s 18 inning homer and of course, more than a few Barry Bonds historical big flies So please enjoy the video, comment below, and GO GIANTS , sfgiants, greatesthomeruns, forevergiants Humm Baby Baseball is an all baseball channel that talks baseball in general but also has a focus on the San Francisco Giants. My name is Erik and if you re interested in appearing on Humm Baby Baseball or doing any kind of collaboration, please email me at Please visit the HUMM BABY WEBSITE: Humm Baby Baseba