Aggression Female Aggression ( Indirect Aggression) and Male Aggression ( Physical Aggression)
, VerbalAggression, Aggression, IndirectAggression Why is it that you want ot get back at someone that you feel hurt you Well I will try and explain how the triggering of an emotion will inevitably make you want to retaliate depending on your level of Neuroticism and what strategy you are most likely to choose to hurt that person though an aggressive act. Strategy is the key to success. But what strategies do we choose as men and women and why do we choose the way we do Aggression can be describes as proactive, reactive, physical, indirect and oppositional aggression. From early childhood into adulthood. Female aggression is indirect aggression with the intent to destroy someones reputation, covertly, in order for them to loose their job. Male aggression is physical aggression often describes as physical violence. They can both be proactive in that they gang up with others in order to deliver the aggressive act. Reactive aggression is the very reaction of having a negative neurotic emotion of anger. Alt