Seán Daghers Shanty of the Week 35 Early in the Morning
Guess what. I forgot to change the date and video number in the opening and closing. It should read, 35 May 4, 2021. You can get the songs at You can support the Shanty of the Week at Thanks to Patreon supporters Dennis Wiscount, Arcspell, Vlad Nica, Kristian Brabander, Barbara Stuart Robertson, Andrew DeVore, Tyler Sugg, Thatbrandude, Erik Twombly, Cooper Chassé, Élise Gravel, Maeve Haldane, Adrian Castellanos, Andy Jurik, MarieChristine Vinet, Sam Hodgson, Anonymous, Charles Barbieri, Matt Werner, Aresthor, Graham Greve, Tom Liacas, Robert Nunn, Cameron Cole, Elin Soderstrom, Dirk Hausmaninger, Casey Collins, David Sinclair, Avita Amoeba, Josh Joseph, Kalkail, Garrett Whisenhunt, Gabriel Mainville, Jiri S. , Vincent Houghtaling, Bill McMahon, Martha Carlisle, Mirko Failoni, ove myltonee, William Hibbitts, Ryan Sheehy, and A Socialist Hobgoblin.