Zuldazar Music Rain Ambience, World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth, Bf A
Nestled deep in Zandalar s primal jungle, Zuldazar is a remnant of the oncemighty Zandalar empire. A vast coastline surrounds Zuldazar to the south, east, and west, offering bountiful opportunities for fishing, boating, swimming, and treasure hunting. To the north are the marshland of Nazmir, and the deserts of Vol dun. High above the jungle canopies, the Golden Throne serves as Zuldazar s city center, with some of the most breathtaking views in the region. It is from here that Rastakhan, king of the Zandalari, rules. A vast, ancient cityscape of interconnected terraces sprawls out below, dotted with temples devoted to the loa, which are maintained by their loyal servants. Visitors can find anything they need for an extended stay in the heart of Dazar alor at the center of the city. Facilities include an inn, portals to all major Horde cities along with Dalaran, profession trainers, a bank, training dummies, vendors, and more. Its easy to get lost this ancient, multileveled citybut th