Under the Gun War Suite 2021 Smokin Hot Reloaded for COVID 19
Under the Gun War Suite 2021Smokin HotReloaded for COVID 19 Aldo Nova(Words and Music) Aldo Novaall instruments and vocals and video editing. Aldo Nova has recorded another home studio MiniConcert for all his fans, old and new, of a brand new Reloaded for COVID version of another of his classics from his 1st album, titled Aldo Nova. This is a turbocharged version of his song Under the Gun with a very special jam from his 2nd album, Subject, called War Suite to end it off with a bang. Get ready to have your feet stomping to this version and singing along with a classic from the 80s when the good times rocked and rolled all night and we all wish we could all go back to when things were fun and normal. You ll see and hear that Aldo Nova, at 64, is ROCKING HARDER THAN EVER ROCK LIVES ON ALL OVER THE WORLD Enjoy Aldo27022021 Sylvia BechardVideo and photo