Saga of the Swamp Thing Box Set Overview
Today I take a look at the Saga of the Swamp Thing Box Set. This is the phenomenal run by Alan Moore that redefined comics. I take a look at the content of each of the six books and answer the biggest question. Which colors are used in this collection. Start 00:00 Spoilers 06:37 Non Spoilers 08:47 Patreon tiers We offer multiple tiers starting at 1 to give you access to notes, voting, Discord, AMA, recognition, and private consultations See which tier best fits your needs. NMC merch can be purchased here: Check out our sponsor: You can send fan mail or giveaway donations to: Near Mint Condition PO Box 1678 Versailles, KY 40383 , sagaofswampthing, swampthing, alanmoore, dc, swampthingboxset