Learn How to Draw and Paint with Acrylics PARIS IN WINTER Paint Sip at Home Fun Easy Painting
PAINTING VIDEO DESCRIPTION Looking for an easy Christmas painting idea Want to do a fun seasonal DIY project Let me be your acrylic art instructor as I teach you easy stepbystep instructions throughout this fun beginner art video as you learn how to paint the Eiffel Tower, Paris, and a woman walking in the snow with a red umbrellaa fun portraiture landscape image PARIS IN WINTER with acrylic paint. What comes to mind when you think of Paris The Louvre, Eiffel Tower, The Da Vinci Code, Claude Monet, Musee d Orsay, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Montmartre, SacreCoeur, Champs Elysees, Moulin Rouge, Macarons, Bistros, French Fries, French Kiss, fashion, renaissance, the list is endless and there is no right or wrong answer, but whatever popped into your head, we can all agree that this notorious French city is a very popular romantic tourist destination and on most peoples bucket list. And just because you might not be able to go right now, doesnt mean you cant enjoy creating your own i