BOYSHIT, , Elite Girls + S6
I hope you ll have as much fun watching the video as I had editing it :))) This song fits these girls like a glove Their such badass characters. please tell me what you think of the video in the comments (it would mean a lot to me) or if you want to talk about Elite I would be really happy as well because I would love to argue with Phillipe defenders :) Song BOYSHIT by Madison Beer Series Show Elite on Netflix Characters Rebeka Parrilla, Cayetana Grajera, Nadia Shanaa, Ari Blanco, Mencía Blanco, Carla Roson, Lu Montesinos, Isadora Artiñán, Sara, Marina Nunier, HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY WHEREVER YOU ARE , elite, eliteedit, eliteedits, elitenetflix, madisonbeer, madisonbeeredit, multifemale, badass, boyshit, elitegirls, elitegirledit, carlaroson, edit, eliteseason6