Phew (1923)
Item title reads Phew All Britain sizzles in the torrid sunshine. Intertitle New records every day at Negretti and A man walks up onto a roof and mops his brow, he opens a box. M, S as he checks the thermometers inside. M, S of a sign saying Open Air Swimming Pool, M, S of the queue outside, the camera pans across it. M, S of people playing and having fun in the pool, the camera pans across, a little child jumps in. Intertitle Every seaside resort L, S of a beach, many people are sat on deck chairs and sand. Intertitle Little Londoners flock to river Children play on the banks of the river, the camera pans over them as they splash about. Intertitle Remember there are others hotter than Two men stand in the cab of a train mopping their faces and looking miserable. M, S of a man working on a car, he gets his handkerchief out and mops his head. Intertitle great problem how to keep M, S of two men drinking beer out o