Dialogues On Theory Psychoanalysis and the Love of Arabic with Nadia Bou Ali
We are joined by Nadia Bou Ali, practicing psychoanalyst and Assistant Professor at the Civilization Studies Program at the American University of Beirut. We discuss Nadia s new work Psychoanalysis and the Love of Arabic: Hall of Mirrors a work of Lacanian theory, comparative literature and political theory. We discuss the main themes of the work and raise questions about Lacan s contribution to the study of literature, psychoanalysis and liberalism, tolerance, the birth of Arab modernity and the two fascinating literary figures that she analyzes in this work: Ahmad Faris Shidyaq (180587) and Butrus alBustani (181983). This is a wideranging and fascinating conversation definitely not to be missed Interview and discussion conducted by Daniel Tutt To purchase this book please visit