Nate; Serena, , Collide vidlet
HAD to change the pitch of the song couse it got blocked in some countries that s why it can sound weird :, i know i said i wasn t gonna make a NS video next but after the last episode i had to make something so i threw this together in like 2 and a half hour yesterday so it s not very good but like i said i had to :P black, white flashbacks i choose this song becouse after seeing viktorias (vickliebold) iris video yesterday i knew i wanted to do a classic song :) so i choose this hehe dedicated to: well since my blind video is going nowhere i decided that chelsea (simplybrokenx0) sould get at least this dedication for now :) becouse she is totally amazing and one of the biggest NS fans i know :D and with the book series going to hell we need NS in the show so yay for getting it :D but i will make you something that s accually good soon hun i promise i have an idea but i want to take my time with it and make it amazing so you got this for now h br, br,