How To Draw A School Bus ( Kid hacks) Simple Art Lesson For Beginners Step By Step
, simpleart, schoolbus, kidhacks HOW TO DRAW A School Bus with this video tutorial in 4 minutes step by step. School bus a bus designed for the organized transportation of children to educational institutions, as well as to places of excursions, various educational and recreational activities. Carts for the centralized delivery of children to schools have been known since the beginning of the 19th century. For the first time such transportation was organized in a Quaker school in northeast London. School omnibuses (the socalled kid hacks ) are most widespread in the United States, primarily in rural areas. With the advent of internal combustion engines, the first school buses began to appear. At first, they did not differ much from their predecessors: they had a canvas top and benches along the sides, the entrance and exit were located at the back. But as technology developed, buses improved, and by the 30s of the 20th century they acquired a design relatively close to today s buses.