Exploring The Thiessen Undercutter Farm Implement Overview
In this video Ryan Thiessen gives an overview of the undercutter, and offers some guidance on how they are used while answering frequently asked questions. The Thiessen Undercutter is ideal for loosening the soil for harvesting carrots, garlic, parsnips, and other root crops. It works by digging below the crop to loosen the soil to eliminate the need for a pitchfork or shovel to speed up the harvesting process. It is recommended to use an undercutter 10 12 inches wider than the bed width. Ryan also talks about how to add weight and how much can be applied to each size of undercutter. Tilmor fully supports and sells Thiessen tillage equipment. Small growers face unique challenges and often must rely on older equipment that was developed many years ago for mechanized cultivation. This often means farmers are forced to rely on parts that are obsolete, poorly constructed or difficult to find. Our goal is to produce a variety of implements for planting, cultivation, harvest, postharvest, and more.