金黄的季节 载满了收获的喜悦和玉米的香甜 Corn, Liziqi Channel
Plaese subscribe to 李子柒 Liziqi Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: Golden Season Overflowing with the Bliss of Harvest and Sweetness of Corn , Liziqi Channel 春生夏长秋收冬藏 从上古时代我们的祖辈就遵循节气劳作 一颗小小的玉米种子萌芽生长收获 再到餐桌上的玉米粑 窝头 玉米片儿 要记得我们吃的食物从哪里来哦 Spring is for sprouting, summer for growth, fall for harvesting, and winter for preservation. Our ancestors were already cultivating crops in accordance with the law of solar terms. A tiny seed of corn, sprouts, grows, and gets r