The Future of Exploration in the Greatest Age of Exploration Dr. Lee R. Berger
Understanding where we come from as a species has been one of the great goals of humankind, exploring the questions of where we come from and why we are here as a species. In this lecture, Professor Lee Berger will explore some of the greatest discoveries of the last two decades in the search for human origins, discoveries with which he has been instrumental and intimately involved. These breakthroughs have led us to reevaluate the story of human origins on the continent of Africa. With lessons from what has been described as one of the most challenging sciences on Earth, Berger will explore why he believes we are in the midst of the greatest age of exploration. He will also relate the importance of lessons he has learned during his search for understanding human origins, which he believes are applicable to all areas of scientific endeavor and to our daily lives. Prof. Lee R. Berger D. Sc. is an awardwinning researcher, explorer, author and speaker. He is the recipient of the National Geographi br, br,