ABORTION SPIRITUAL WAR Shofar Call for Ministry of Redemption
In a revolutionary decision, the Supreme Court has thrown down Roe v. Wade after more than 63 million American children have been slaughtered. The satanic temple declares that, for themABORTION IS A SACRAMENT These enemies of Yeshua (Christ) Messiah are furious INCENSED that they can no longer shed the blood of innocent babes every day at will. Hells rage is hitting conservative justices, crisis pregnancy centers, prolife churches and Believers with curses and increasing physical attacks. Friends, we need ARMOUR UP to meet this challenge Join Dr. Bill as he brings PRAYER SCRIPTURAL DEPTH to the ravages of abortion, and to the millions of women who (for the most part) were deceived into murdering their children. SPIRITUAL COMBAT: PRAY WITH DR. BILL AGAINST the forces of murder and Moloch in states where abortion is still legal THE BATTLE ISNT OVER Buckle on your armor and LEARN SPIRITUAL WARFARE in the fight for the right to life against the dark lord and his devil