Good Bye Silkroad paradox71
Hey guys, this is my last Silkroad Video for ever I already quitted silkroad 3 months ago but i was to lazy to edit the video :) Please WATCH THIS VIDEO IN HD, it s my last video and so it would be nice if you take the time and watch it in HD. I played this game about 3 years and it was a great now its time to stop it. I quitted because it became boring and the game sucked :D Song name: 1. RED already over 2. Yellowcard Only One Thank you all for watching my last video and reading the description Dont forget to rate and comment my you Bye Bye and good luck with all in ur life I DON T CLAIM ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE SONGS, THEY ARE COPYRIGHTED TO THE OWNERS AND I AM NOT PROFITING FROM PUTTING THEM ON YOUTUBE.