Exposed: Klaus Schwabs School of Young Global Dictators
The school was established in 2004 by Klaus Schwab to groom up coming elites for prominent political and business leaders as they move their way to the top. Some relevant facts to do with the current plandemic; is their hidden political and corporate agenda to form alliances with world leaders and crash economies and then introduce their new global currency for One World Order. At the same time, they are exploiting the virus while pushing vaccine mandates on the world, to depopulate the world by 90 Klaus Schwab s mysterious start was the World Economic Forum (WEF), an NGO he founded in 1971, in Switzerland when he was 32 years old. The WEF is known for its annual conferences in Davos, Switzerland where political and business leaders meet with their network of power elites from around the world to discuss their plans for our future. After all, they know what s best for us, right I think not source: InfoWars