klaus caroline tell me not to go
WATCH IN 720p READ DESCRIPTION +Note: Klaus is not dead. Period. I had to say that first, before we all start grieving here, like I did on thursday night. He will come back, and I m pretty shure that, that one, beautiful klaroline scene, from 3x21, is the actual beginning of klaroline. Sencondly, you re all furious at Caroline, I imagine. Put yourselves in her shoes. She has a boyfriend, who did break every bone in his body for her. She has friends, who sufferd too much because of the same man who fancies her. That man, she finds intriguing, is the man who stole the happy life from Mystic Falls. His death, is the celebration. I know, this hurts us, Klaus fans. But if you want to be realistic, and not limited by unfair opinion, than this is how you must see things. One day, maybe in a year, or even in a century, Caroline will fall for Klaus, and if she celebrates his death again, while she is in love with him, than we can be pissed as much as we want. Let s hope that day of his