Total Solar Eclipse Sound Bath
Get a limited time, 33off discount on my live singing bowl course Dont miss the sale Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the Buddha Many ancient peoples believed the solar eclipse was something to fear. Something beyond our control often creates distress. When my father had a stroke, I remember feeling terrified. The harder I fought for a way to control the situation, the more I, and everyone around me, seemed to suffer. With time, I learned that there are external forces that I am powerless over. Embracing this truth, allows me to flow in alignment with the universe, ushering me onto a path of surrender. Without my resistance, I am happier and face less friction. I know now that, just like in the darkness of a solar eclipse, acceptance, not panic, creates the most positive results. I hope you find peace and beauty in this week s eclips br, br,