3, 29, 22: EARTH CONTROL PILLS W, RONNIE MCMULLEN Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis
3, 29, 22: EARTH CONTROL PILLS W, RONNIE MCMULLEN Our new reality lurching from pandemic to war, to pandemic to war, and around and around. A perpetual cycle of different grand narratives, linked only in their shared consequences more power for them, less freedom for us. If you look at this current geopolitical conflict, just pick your hero and villain, and all the economic hardship, censorship, groupthink, and loss of personal freedom that results from this conflict it s a byproduct of the war and not an aim. Most of us have swallowed that bitter pill and have allowed coercion to force us into pressured positions that are destroying families, businesses, and livelihoods. Rather than fighting, we choose to accept whatever they throw at us. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Ronnie McMullen about EARTH CONTROL PILLS.