The ULTIMATE Bret Hart collection: everything from 85 to 00 ( Bret is back to WWE, Jan 4th 2010 )
The best tribute to the Hitman you ll ever see on Youtube, year by year, in chronogical order. 128 pictures, against his fav opponents (Austin, HBK, but also some very rare ones (ex: vs Steamboat in 86 or Andre in 88). Music: 4 Bret Hart themes. Presented by Bret Jr. Enjoy Bret Hitman Hart s best feuds during his career in the USA: The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith The Dynamite Kid): 198587 Ricky the Dragon Steamboat: 1986 Macho Man Randy Savage: 1987, 1998 Bad News Brown: 1988 Demolition (Ax Smash): 1988, 1990 Mr Perfect Curt Hennig: 1989, 1991, 1993, 1998 The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase: 1989, 1991 The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson Tully Blanchard): 1989 The Rockers (Marty Jannetty Shawn Michaels): 198990 The Legion of Doom (Road Warriors Hawk Animal LOD): 1991 Rowdy Roddy Piper: 1992 The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith: 19 br, br,