Guns N Roses Allison Reed and Saulius Ambrulevičius practice their 2023 2024 80s Rhythm Dance
Lithuanian Ice Dancers Allison Reed and Saulius Ambrulevičius perform their 20232024 Rhythm Dance at the Ice Academy of Montreal, ahead of the 2024 ISU World Figure Skating Championships Choreography by MarieFrance Dubreuil, Sam Chouinard Music: Welcome to the Jungle Paradise City by Guns n Roses Music design by Saulius Ambrulevičius Filmed at Verdun Auditorium, March 7th 2024, by Jordan Cowan of On Ice Perspectives Jordan Cowan is a freelance camera operator and ice skating cinematographer, who creates and shares skating videos online to help spread awareness of figure skating and skatingrelated events around the world. You can support his work by becoming a patron at: Contact: Find more On Ice Perspectives here: Web: Patreon: Instagram: oniceperspectives TikTok: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: iceperspectives Twitch: , iceskating, figureskating, oniceperspectives, icedancing, icedance, iceskate, figureskate, isufigureskating