Dinosaur Jr. : Tiny Desk ( Home) Concert
The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music s Tiny Desk (home) concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It s the same spirit strippeddown sets, an intimate setting just a different space. Stephen Thompson, Aug. 3, 2021 In the yearplus that weve been recording Tiny Desk (home) concerts, artists have worked hard to reproduce the Tiny Desk vibe through special effects ranging from Phoebe Bridgers Oval Office backdrop to tininessenhancing miniature set. For Dinosaur Jr. , the spirit of the Tiny Desk can be found in an underappreciated facet of the series: the everevolving array of tchotchkes, promo pieces and other bits of popcultural detritus that line the shelves behind Bob Boilens desk. Dinosaur own home concert home in this case being the stage of an empty Shea Theater in Turners Falls, Mass. is set amid its own enviable assortment of oddities, from stuffed animals to a Mork action figure to a cop