Foster kitten screams the loudest to be fed, Fighting for milk between kittens
When our little kittens get hungry, they start screaming and calling for their mama cat. Foster baby Blackie is smaller than the others, so he needs to eat more. When she hears the kittens calling for her, Joanna comes to them and lays down not far from them. She does so that the kittens can find her by her own scent. When the fluffy kittens get to their mother s tummy, they start fighting for the best place. Sometimes we have to pull the older ones away so that the little one gets more. He s smaller than everyone else and can t fight on equal terms. Mama cat mistook the ducklings for kittens and warms them Little kittens help a foster kitten get on a warm pillow If you want to follow how our kittens are growing and spending their time, give this video a like and subscribe to our channel , kittens, mamacat, fosterkitten, kittenscreaming THANKS FOR WATCHING