YANDERE AI Cant believe I played this . With you Til the End
, yandere, yandereaigirlfriendsimulator hashtagIGotBunsOfSteel(notReally) Mentioned creators: ManlyBadassHero vid: Kubz vid: Chrishy vid: BGM: Aaron Smith Dancin KRONO Remix Bully Walk Theme Dance till You re Dead (FULL REMIX) Kevin MacLeod Mandeville (SCP420J) Devil May Cry 5 Wake your fury and wait in hell (Vergil Mission Start) mimimi Song DOOM Eternal Nekravol Ambient Undertale Home Earthbound Apple Kid s Theme Outro: Deus Ex Mankind Divided Singapore Ambient Pt. 2 References: Tom Hanks Laughing scene (The Money Pit) Doom slayer blink from Extreme Patrons that keeps this content creator motivated: TED KStar Negisam Fite4ever AntiVirGear Haloleader6 BaileyApollo ElFamosoBot Steven Zavadil MaoSavageToasta Patrons that keeps me coping youtube lol: Wolfenst