Joanna Kim plays Marcin Patrzaleks Baba Yaga percussive fingerstyle guitar song
Thank you for watching. It was great connecting with Joanna Kim in Wauwatosa Wisconsin at the Expansive office complex. Joanna had a chance to see Blue Handpans instruments and it was an amazing time. Joanna is a multiaward winning, internationally renown composer and clinician. She is a master at percussive fingerstyle guitar playing. I have been vlogging with my handpan since 2016 and it has been an amazing journey. From Florida to Chicago I have played my blue handpan at performing arts centers, weddings, bridal showers, retreats, and even at the ski hills. I have always experienced people who marvel at the mysterious sound. May the journey never end. Felix Rohner and Sabrina Scharer from PANart chose to name the instrument the Hang means hand in the local SwissGerman dialect where PANart is located. Eventually PANart owned legal rights to the name Hang. The Hang was introduced in 2001 in Frankfurt, Germany and instantly gained popularity worldwide for the be