A Fabulous Way to Help Your Struggling Speller
Struggling spellers its a real thing in my homeschool. Because it turns out that three of my four kids have dyslexia some more than others which meant that they were naturally going to be poor spellers. Its just the way their brains are wired. (If you think YOUR child might have dyslexia or really struggles with spelling, I highly recommend you check out this book about dyslexia. Its the first book I recommend to anyone ) Recently, I was contacted by a mom who has created a great way to help visual spellers and others struggling with spelling. I love what shes put together so I want to share it with you. These SeetoSpell cards focus on teaching spelling for visual learners and storybased learners, both of which I have found to be VERY effective with my kids. (Sadly, my kids are all a little old to use these cards now, but I would have LOVED to have them when they were younger ) CLICK HERE to check it out for your homeschool. Multiplication Tables Dyslexic Advantage Book Review