The Execution Of Mussolinis BRUTAL Secretary Achille Starace
During the Second World War, Benito Mussolini the Dictator of Italy would fall spectacularly from grace and he was then dragged to his execution. But Benito Mussolini s remains were then brought to a public square in Milan to be displayed, but one of his closest allies was brought to see his body. But this ally would then be executed himself. Achille Starace was the Party Secretary of the Fascist Party, and he was blindly loyal to Mussolini. He would do anything that Mussolini asked, and he contributed towards the cult of personality around the Italian Dictator. But he was a man who liked public spectacle, and he would later at the end of the Second World War be imprisoned inside of a concentration camp. But Achille Starace would be executed inside of the same square where Mussolini s remains were displayed, and then he was displayed upside down following his execution. Join us today as we look at, The Execution Of Mussolini s Secretary Achille Starace To support